Reserve Cafe 20 Vestibule & Open Areas

Review Policy

You can review the Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule Reservation Policy here.

Step One

The process for reserving the Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule begins with a mandatory legal review of the Requestor’s event to ensure compliance with all applicable law and official policy.  To obtain legal review, call the Office of Counsel at (614) 692-3284 and ask to be connected to a member of the Personnel, Administrative, Installation Law (PAIL) Team. Requests for legal review must be made at least two weeks in advance of the desired date for Vestibule use.


Step Two

Check the "Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule (DSCC)" Room Calendar in Microsoft Outlook to see if your preferred day/time is available.


Please note:  this process is only available to DLA Employees. Non-DLA tenants can call 614-692-1420 to check on the availability of the vestibule table.
  1. In Microsoft Office Outlook Calendar, choose the "Open Calendar" icon, then choose "From Room List."
  2. In the search box, enter "Building 20".  You should see an option for "Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule (DSCC)."
  3. When "Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule (DSCC)" is highlighted, select "Rooms" on the bottom of the search box, then hit "OK."
  4. You should now see "Building 20 Cafeteria Vestibule (DSCC)" available on your left sidebar under the header "Rooms."  Check the box to display the room calendar.
  5. Search for your preferred date and time to see if any other events are scheduled.


Step Three

One legal approval has been obtained and you've identified an available date/time in the Vestibule calendar, you can proceed with placing your reservation request below.  If you encounter any issues filling out the form below, please contact (614) 692-1420.

Requester Information

Event Information

Please provide the following information about the event or activity that you are reserving this area for.

Confirm Legal Approval
Note:  make sure you enter CAPTCHA code below exactly as seen (including capitalization) to assure form is processed.